Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Innovation Day - letting go the steering wheel

Daniel Pink talks about the three things that motivate: Autonomy, Mastery and Purpose1 (Check out this RSA Animate version of his talk)

Schools have long focused on Mastery, but what about giving students the autonomy to develop and follow their own purpose?  In the days, when the stakes are so high, how can this even be possible?  Two words, Innovation Day.

The idea came from a #140edu talk that Josh Stumpenhorst (@stumpteacher)
did describing his own schools version. If you have 15 minutes, take a look at it below.

A local middle school saw the idea and Innovation Day at Crystal Middle School was born. After spring break the idea started to grow and the day was scheduled.  Staff shared the idea with students using this 15 minute video to instigate ideas and creativity.

I was lucky to be able to spend a few hours there at the school to see projects in action. I didn't know really who had video clearance so that's why you don't see too many faces.  This first video is snapshots of the engineering room. (I used vine to shoot these videos on the spot...how to use vine...that's a whole other post)

Here are more shots from the engineering room

This room had students using various technology to create videos, presentations, etc. 

If you notice the young lady working on the video, you can see the finished product below!


There were three other students in that room who were filming and editing a video on a smart phone.

One brave teacher hosted the music room. While this video is choppy, the student on the left was the only one who knew how to play at the start of the day (2 hrs earlier) and he was teaching the other two students "Stairway to heaven".

The day went something like this. The students started off in their home rooms, then were sent to the different work rooms you see in the video's above.  Students all had PE during the day and all students were out at lunch instead of a split lunch.  Incidentally, there were zero issues during lunch as well as the whole day (usually at least 1 or 2 students have to visit with the principal each day). At the end of the day, students shared their projects with their home room.  

Crystal Middle School plans another day this year. They have also share their resources with anyone who is interested. One of the new pieces added was a form to gather the student projects using a Google Form. Gathering, entering, and sorting the projects into workspaces was one of the most time consuming pieces of the project and the form will help streamline this process.

Thanks to the team for letting me watch in on the day. You should follow them on twitter! Kristen - @KristenWitt13, Shannon - @mrsbalthazor, Jonathan - @MrDunsworth, Josh - @TeachJDH and Cynthia- @CynthiaMerrick1

Monday, October 21, 2013

Making your statement - CCSS in Action?

Several months ago, this video was posted and made its way around the web:

Mr. Nicholas S. Selby, makes quite a statement!

It got me to thinking though. What makes this so catchy? Even more than that, how is he showcasing the Common Core State Standards? I looked and came up with these two:

  • "ELA Writing 2 “Introduce a topic clearly, previewing what is to follow; organize ideas, concepts, and information into broader categories; include formatting (e.g., headings), graphics (e.g., charts, tables), and multimedia when useful to aiding comprehension.” (Grade 8 example)
  • ELA Speaking/Listening 5 “Integrate multimedia and visual displays into presentations to clarify information, strengthen claims and evidence, and add interest.” (Grade 8 example) 
I asked on Twitter today (@gbelleau) and responded
This is one of the ones he proposed:
  • Speaking/Listening 6 "Adapt speech to a variety of contexts and tasks, demonstrating a command of formal English when indicated or appropriate." (Grade 11-12 example)

We don't really think of why these sort of movies are fun and the videos go viral but I'd propose its because they are interesting, are appropriate to the audience and we certainly understand Mr. Shelby's point because he chose to add some music/soundtrack to his speech.

I am looking forward to when there are more examples of the CCSS in action in classes as students take control of their learning. If you have one, please share!

Monday, August 26, 2013

Safe Searching

I have a couple of graphics to share that were used in trainings recently!

As Always, feedback is greatly appreciated!

Thursday, August 22, 2013

Five ways to engage students using their mobile devices

With the number of mobile devices quickly closing in on the number of people on the planet, many students are equipped with a device that actually has more capacity and capability than the one that took the US to the moon. The 4 C’s of the 21st Century are Collaboration, Communication, Creativity and Critical Thinking. Most secondary students have the first three down.  They collaborate and plan their lives using their phones. They communicate with a vastly larger circle than the circles of their parents, grandparents and teachers. They exhibit creativity constantly as they find ways to utilize their mobile devices and phones exploring new ways to use an app to communicate and collaborate.  Many students need help with the last one: Critical Thinking. So the question is, how to move mobile devices from an annoyance to a tool.

First, Daily sign-ins.  This may not seem glamorous but if students know from the minute they walk in the door that they will need to be engaged, it will help set the tone.  Alice Keeler has a great template (http://www.alicekeeler.com/teachertech/2013/07/16/daily-feedback-to-students/) that can be copied and utilized with students.  Not only does this form “take roll”, it also incorporates the collection of the “sponge” or “warmup” activity and most importantly gets “Comments/Questions/Concerns/Compliments” daily.  Utilizing a link shortener is important (goo.gl, bit.ly or tinyurl.com) to make this accessible. Google’s solution (goo.gl) also creates a qr code automatically. QR or Quick Response codes are those square black/white matrix of squares that is a two-dimensional barcode.  Created by marketing for the automotive industry, they provide a quick link to any electronic document. Apps on all mobile platforms make scanning them quick and easy. The daily sign-in form is a Google form that automatically formats for both mobile, tablet and desktop viewers. Students without a mobile device could complete the form on a classroom computer. However, according to a recent survey, over ½ of secondary students have a smartphone and if the school has a wifi connection, the vast majority of students have a wifi enabled device like a ipod touch or other gaming tablet that could be used for the same purpose.  Many eReaders are also internet enabled.

Second, In Class BackChanneling or discussions. Backchanneling is a term used to describe real-time online discussions that take place alongside of a live activity or conference. A great example of this can be seen in this CNN news story (http://youtu.be/36QWcC0Y5rE).  By utilizing Twitter and allowing students to communicate using whatever device they have, the whole class is drawn into the discussion and even the most shy student is recognized for his insights and wisdom. Another tool that can be used for backchanneling is TodaysMeet which is easy to set up and is available to all devices on the web. A great feature is that the whole discussion can be downloaded or archived! Finally, since not all students have internet enabled devices but nearly every secondary student has a mobile device that can text, Cel.ly is a great solution for backchanneling since the discussion can take place as a text message (as does twitter).  The Cel.ly groups however are set up for the class and only members of the class can post responses a text messages.  Discussions are also archived in the system.

Third, Sharing information/handouts. Nearly all mobile devices have eReader capabilities because of the plethora of apps available.  From Google docs, to dropbox and evernote, sharing documents with students is simple and easy to do.  Most mobile devices also have built in “read it” capabilities that will automatically format the document. Many parents and other adults will say, “I don’t want to read my book on that small screen”, but it is important to remember that many students think otherwise. 

Fourth, Organizing Info for projects. Built in cameras make documenting learning and allows students to expand their creativity. Apps like Genius Scan can then convert quickly to portable doc format (.pdf) to be emailed to the instructor or uploaded to a system like Evernote, Dropbox, or Google Docs to collaborate on as a group. A little know feature of Evernote (even the free version) is that the program makes uploaded documents searchable, including handwritten documents. 

Fifth, Polling or quick quizzing. Technology make is so easy to quickly check for understanding. Expensive polling system are just that, expensive. For students with smart phones or situations where they can share, Socrative (www.socrative.com) is a great solution. The program has an app and is a solid build for the mobile platform. Students can take teacher driven quizzes where live results can be displayed on the screen or student driven quizzes so two students can enter their own personal responses using the same smartphone. Poll results are emailed to the teacher in a spreadsheet for easy import into a grading program. Polleverywhere (www.polleverywhere.com) also has a free educator version that adds the ability to text in responses. This is helpful for students who have phones with only texting capability. However if a teacher wants more functionality like being able to preview/approve responses or receive the poll results, a paid membership is required.  Cel.ly (www.cel.ly) brings these functionalities together with simple text polling available for classes. A premium paid membership with more robust features is available. 

Finally, as a bonus, Communications. Students communicate using their mobile devices. A classroom can also incorporate this communication. Remind101 and Cel.ly are two free, simple to use, teacher friendly, parent designed systems that strive to help teacher better facilitate communication. Remind 101 (www.remind101.com) is a one way messaging system. It is opt in, meaning a parent / student has to sign up. Most have now gone to a sporting event or concert where a message has popped up “text xxxxx to #### to join our text system and receive updates and specials!”  This is a similar system. Student’s and parents opt in for text message updates. These updates can be as simple as “Picture day Monday” or timely communications in the event of a crisis situation. An added bonus is that updates can be scheduled ahead of time. Instead of only weekly “notes home” most educators find that they now send out appx. 5 communications a week.  Remind101 messages can also be received via by email for parents who prefer that mode of communication.  Cel.ly (www.cel.ly) is a similar system. It allows for different forms of communications and teachers can change these settings as needed. The groups can be open communication (good for class discussions mentioned above yet with unfiltered messages), announcement only (for teacher to send or schedule to send messages), or curated (same as announcement but students/parents can respond and the teacher can choose to forward the message on to the whole group).  Like Remind101, Cel.ly is an opt in, text based service.  Both have Apps available for smartphones!

Mobile devices have really become the pencils of today. Students use them to write the notes, do their homework and creatively be a part of their learning.  Unlike the pencil though, they now have access to an almost endless supply of information. So as they are communicating, collaborating, and creating, the strategies discuss can help shift pedagogues so students can develop better critical thinking as they evaluate the endless supply of information.  This is not an inclusive list but rather a place to start.

Note: nearly 1 year ago I read this post (here) and it really started me on my journey that is described above.

Monday, June 3, 2013

I was thinking about STEM in the lower grades (PK-3) today and one of my co-workers asked about a 1 page resource that could be shared with parents and stakeholders.  I came up with this. What do you think?

Monday, March 25, 2013

New Assessments

I was asked to do more research on the upcoming shift to the Common Core State Standards and their assessments (SBAC and PARC). I came across this blog post: 8 questions worth asking about coming common core assessments/. Infographics captivate me and I wanted to put it all in one place. Take a look and tell me what you think!

Monday, March 11, 2013

Here is some great info on the rise of #mLearning!

K-12 Technology Usage

From EdWeek!

Friday, March 8, 2013

Friday, February 15, 2013

A Parent’s guide to the Nine shifts of the Common Core State Standards

Note: Things have been written about the common core from the teachers perspective. In my conversations with friends,  they often ask, "So what do you do" and when I start talking about the common core, I have to shift the focus to kids and how they can help as parents. This post that my friend and I are working on is based on several sources (listed at the end) and those conversations. Let me know what you think?

The new K-12 learning standards, the Common Core State Standards are being rolled out in schools today. Parents may hear teachers talk about the standards in terms of “fewer”, “deeper”, “further”. On the surface, things may not appear to be that different. It is necessary to look again. Even though, these standards have similar concepts and features of current standards, they represent a significant shift from current practice in a number of areas. These are nine shifts that Parents should know about, so they can be informed and help their student be successful.

In English Language Arts

1. More Non-fiction: Read as much non-fiction as fiction. Once out of school, most people read mainly non-fiction. It can be in the form of news articles, social media or for work. In school, students will now be asked to read about half non-fiction in elementary and up to 75 percent in high school.  They will need to be able to identify and discuss details. Parents can support this by reading and talking about non-fiction with their children. This is different for each family because of the family interests. For some,  it might be following the StormChaser Reed Timmer on social media (Facebook and Twitter) to read about his adventures that are not shown on the show. For other families,  it might be reading about “The Monster Inside Me” from the Animal Planet TV network to find out more information about the bacteria in foods today. When parents share the reading that they do for their career, this might help students better understand their parent’s job.

2. Focus on Evidence: Discuss reading and writing using evidence. In reading language arts, students will need to use evidence and details to demonstrate they understand and comprehend what they read. In their writing,  they will need to document and back up their writing with document. There are tools available now that can verify authors for teachers like turnitin.com. Google Scholar can help students do research and document their sources not only from the web but also from sources like abstracts, books and published articles. Parents can help their child with this by asking for details and encouraging their child to share backup evidence, “How do you know?”

3. Climb the “Staircase” of Text Complexity: Read more complex material carefully. Students will also read and comprehend or understand increasingly complex information. This will help prepare them for success once they get out of school.  Parents can assist students by sharing what they have to read in their workplace along with the complexity level. Tools found in Microsoft Word or online at http://www.editcentral.com/ can measure text complexity.  For example, this post is scored 8.9 grade level and Reed Timmer’s Facebook page is scored a 3.9 grade level.

4. Speaking and Listening: Increase academic vocabulary in Speaking and Listening.
Students are expected to be able to demonstrate that they can speak and listen effectively using vocabulary they will eventually use in college and their career. Parents who read often to their children from the time they were babies will find that this ordinary activity brings positive results. When parents read(and reread) books on the same topic it will help develop the language in their children. It may sound straightforward, but Marylin Jager Adams makes these two points. 1. What is written is much more complex than what we say. And 2. The more children read about a topic, the more they can read about that topic.

5.Literacy in the Content Areas: learn more about the world by reading in all content areas.
Students will not just read and write in their “English” class. They will read and write in history/social science, science, and technical classes.  From their workplace experiences, parents can share how they use their reading and writing skills to do their job. Parents can also help their student find books that explain, from historical documents to books on hobbies the family shares.

In Mathematics

6. Greater Focus: Learn more about less. Students will spend more time on fewer concepts to truly expand their understanding. They will build on what they learned the previous year. Parents should familiarize themselves with the Key ideas that students will learn at each grade level to ensure that their student is on track. Talking with the student’s teacher will help them identify these key ideas. Teachers can share how they now will be able to concentrate on the most important topics, like number sense, in depth so that students develop a real understanding of them and are then able to move on to more advanced topics that apply it in a practical setting.

7. Coherence: Skills across grades. Unlike in the past when students covered the same topics year after year, students will now be introduced to new topics each year. They will need to be able to learn the content and skills as they move to advanced topics. For example, a seventh grader will gain an understanding of ratio and proportion and apply it by calculating interest. This concept is related to their prior understanding of equations. Parents can help their child by talking with them about the concepts they struggled with to help them understand how it will affect the learning the next year. Help them talk to their teacher so they can get the assistance they need to fill in the “gaps” and not fall behind.

8. Skills, Understanding, and Application: Real World Problem Solving. Students will need to be fluent in problem solving, develop a thorough understanding of math concepts, and be able to solve problems. Parents can have their students “do” the math that comes up in the family or play games like “Math in real life” where the student tries to find an aspect of life that does not include math.  For example, parents can share that grocery shopping involves calculations to see which brand is the best deal or families can play the “Guess the total” game where each person keeps a running total in their head and the closest to the actual total wins and gets a Snickers bar. This will help ensure that children (and young adults) think about Math in real life.

9. Emphasis on Practices: Know it/Do it. From Kindergarten through High School, students will encounter eight standards of math practice that will help them understand, discuss and prove why math works the way it works. This includes making sense of problems and persevering to solve them, reasoning abstractly and quantitatively, using appropriate tools strategically, and constructing viable arguments and critiquing the reasoning of others. These practices are integrated with the standards for mathematical content. Students will be allocated more time to work on problems rather than expect them to come up with solutions instantaneously. Or students will have a variety of tools—rulers and calculators, for example—and be asked to choose the one that best fits the problem rather than requiring them to choose a tool in advance. If a child can communicate with their parent why the answer is what it is, that will let the parent know they have mastered the topic. By setting aside time at home for children to work hard on math, parents can also become more aware of what their child needs to know.

A significant amount of resources in the form of time, effort, and funding is being allocated to schools as they prepare for these shifts. These may not seem “different”. After all, the goal of the common core state standards is to prepare students for success after High school in their career.  That has always been the goal, right? However, for true success all stakeholders – teachers, students and parents – need to understand these shifts and how they are different.


"NineWays the Common Core Will Change Classroom Practice." 2012. 15 Feb. 2013<http://www.hepg.org/hel/article/543>

"Common Core Shifts | Engage NY." 2011. 15 Feb. 2013 <http://engageny.org/resource/common-core-shifts>

“Google Scholar." 2004. 15 Feb. 2013 <http://scholar.google.com/>

Adams, Marilyn Jager. "Advancing Our Students’ Language and Literacy." American Educator (2010).